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Seeing and Somethingness. Aeon Essays 3rd October 2022.


Consciousness: knowing the unknowable. Social Research, 87 (1), pp. 157-70, 2020.


Easy does it: a soft landing for consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 26 (9-10), pp.:105-114, 2019.


Shamans as healers: when magical structure becomes practical function. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 41, p. 27, 2018.

 The lure of death: suicide and human evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 373: 20170269.


Humans Are the Only Animals Who Crave Oblivion Through Suicide. Aeon. 28 July 2017.

 The Invention of Consciousness. Topoi, 39(1), 13-21.


Dissociation of the Reach and the Grasp in the Destriate (V1) Monkey Helen: A New Anatomy for the Dual Visuomotor Channel Theory of Reaching. Experimental Brain Research, 234(8), 2351-2362. 2016. [with Ian Q. Whishaw and Jenni M. Karl].

 A Riddle Written on the Brain. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23, pp. 278-87, 2016

 Redder than Red: Illusionism or Phenomenal Surrealism? Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23, 116-123, 2016


Consciousness Spirited Away. Interalia Magazine, April 2015

 Consciousness as Art. Scientific American Mind, May/June 2015, pp. 65-69

 The bigger an animal’s brain the greater its intelligence. In "This Idea Must Die", ed. John Brockman, pp. 29-31, HarperCollins, 2015.


Placebos at large. New Scientist, 6 August 2013


'This chimp will kick you ass at memory games, but how the hell does he do it?' Trends in Cognitive Science, 16, pp.353- 355, 2012

 The evolved self-management system. EDGE. 2012.

 The evolutionary psychology of healing: a human success story. Current Biology, Sept 10, vol 22. no. 17, 2012 (with John Skoyles).


Introduction to Descartes Meditations and Other Writings. Folio Society, London, 2011

It takes a thief to catch a thief. Behav. Brain Sc 34.1. p. 28, 2011

 Ideology, fear of death and death anxiety. Political Psychology, 32, p 601-621, 2011. (With Emanuele Castano et al).


The nature of beauty. Prospect, September, p. 62-65, 2010

 Person as moral scientist. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 33.4, p. 340, 2010


Ca8 Mutations Cause a Novel Syndrome Characterized by Ataxia and Mild Mental Retardation with Predisposition to Quadrupedal Gait. PLOS Genetics May 2009. (With Seval Türkmen et al.)


Getting the measure of consciousness. In What is Life? The Next 100 Years of Yukawa's Dream. Ed. M. Murase and I. Tsuda, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, no. 173 pp. 264-269, 2008

 Cerebellar hypoplasia, with quadrupedal locomotion, caused by mutations in the very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) gene. European Journal of Human Genetics 16, 1070-74, 2008 (with Seval Türkmen, et al.)

 Genes and quadrupedal locomotion in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105(21):E26, May 2008. (with Stefan Mundlos, and Seval Turkmen.)


The society of selves. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 362, 745-754, 2007


Consciousness: the Achilles Heel of Darwinism? Thank God, Not Quite. In Intelligent Thought: Science versus the Intelligent Design Movement, ed. John Brockman, pp. 50-64, New York: Vintage, 2006

 Science looks at fairness. Social Research, 73, 345-7, 2006


Do babies know what they look like? Doppelgängers and the phenomenology of infancy. In Perspectives on Imitation: From Cognitive Neuroscience to Social Science. Vol. 2., ed. Susan Hurley and Nick Chater, pp. 178-80, Cambridge Ma.: MIT Press, 2005        

 Human Hand-Walkers: Five Siblings Who Never Stood Up. CPNSS Discussion Paper, DP 77/05, 2005 (with John R Skoyles and Roger Keynes)


Thinking about feeling. Guest essay in Oxford Companion to the Mind, ed. R.L.Gregory , p. 213-4, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

The placebo effect. In Oxford Companion to the Mind, ed. R.L.Gregory, p. 735-6, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

 A family affair. In Curious Minds: How a child becomes a scientist, ed. John Brockman, p.3-12, New York: Pantheon Books, 2004


Great expectations: the evolutionary psychology of faith-healing and the placebo effect. In Psychology at the Turn of the Millennium, Vol. 2: Social, Developmental, and Clinical Perspectives, ed. Claes von Hofsten & Lars Bäckman, pp. 225-46, Hove: Psychology Press, 2002.

 Shamanism and cognitive evolution [Commentary on Michael Winkelman]. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 12, 91-3, 2002.


The Deformed Transformed. CPNSS Monograph, DP 55/01, 2001

 Doing it my way: sensation, perception – and feeling red. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 24, 987, 2001


The power of prayer. Skeptical Inquirer, 24, 61, 2000.

 How to solve the mind-body problem. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7, 5-20, 2000.

 One-self: a meditation on the unity of consciousness. Social Research, 67, no. 4, 32-39, 2000.

 Dreaming as play. Behavioral & Brain Sciences , 23, 953, 2000.


Cave art, autism and the evolution of the human mind. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 8, 165-191, 1998.

 Why grandmothers may need large brains. Psycoloquy, 10 (024), 1999.

 The privatization of sensation. In The Evolution of Cognition, ed. L. Huber and C. Heyes, pp. 241-252, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000.


Left-footedness in peacocks: an emperor’s tale. Laterality, 3, 289, 1998.

 What shall we tell the children? Oxford Amnesty Lecture. Social Research, 65, 777-805, 1998.


Kinds of Minds. Journal of Philosophy, 94, 97-103, 1997.

 Varieties of altruism - and the common ground between them. Social Research, 64, 199-209, 1997.


Blocking out the distinction between sensation and perception: superblindsight and the case of Helen. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, 257-8, 1995.


Speaking for our selves: an assessment of multiple personality disorder. Raritan, 9:1, 68-98, 1989. (With Daniel C. Dennett).


Lies, damned lies and anecdotal evidence. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 11, 257-258, 1988.


Arms and the man. New Blackfriar's Journal, 68, 35-40, 1987.

 The uses of consciousness. (James Arthur Memorial Lecture). American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1987.

 Bugs and Beasts before the Law. Foreword to The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals, by E.P.Evans, pp xiii - xxxi. Faber &Faber, London, 1987.


The adaptiveness of mentalism. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 6, 366, 1983.


Consciousness: A just-so story. New Scientist, 95, 473-477, 1982.


Having feelings and showing feelings. In Self- awareness in Domesticated Animals, ed. D.G.M. Wood-Gush, M.Dawkins, R.Ewbank, pp. 37-38, 1981.

 Four Minutes to Midnight. The BBC Bronowski Memorial Lecture, BBC Publications, 1981


Natural aesthetics. In Architecture for People, ed. B.Mikellides, pp. 59-73, Studio-Vista, London, 1980.

 Nature's psychologists. In Consciousness and the Physical World, ed. B.Josephson and V.Ramachandran, pp. 57-75, Pergamon, Oxford, 1980.


Nature's psychologists. New Scientist, 900-904, 29 June 1978.

 Effects of red light and loud noise on the rate at which monkeys sample their sensory environment. Perception, 7, 343-348, 1978. (With G. R. Keeble).


Do monkeys' subjective clocks run faster in red light than in blue? Perception, 6, 7-14, 1977. (With G. R. Keeble).

 Unfoldings of mental life. Science, 196, 755-756, 1977.


How monkeys acquire a new way of seeing. Perception, 5, 51-56, 1976. (With G. R. Keeble).

 The colour currency of nature. In Colour for Architecture, ed. T.Porter and B.Mikellides, pp. 95-98, Studio-Vista, London, 1976.

 The social function of intellect.In Growing Points in Ethology, ed. P. P. G. Bateson and R. A. Hinde, pp. 303- 317, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976.


Interactive effects of unpleasant light and unpleasant sound.Nature, 253, 346-347, 1975. (With G. R. Keeble).


Species and individuals in the perceptual world of monkeys. Perception, 3, 105-114, 1974.

 Lasting effects of early blindness: a case study. Quarterly Journal Experimental Psychology, 26, 114-124, 1974. (With C. Ackroyd and E. K. Warrington).

 The apparent heaviness of colours. Nature, 250, 164-165, 1974. (With E. Pinkerton).

 The reactions of monkeys to 'fearsome' pictures.  Nature, 250, 164-165, 1974. (With E. Pinkerton).

 Vision in a monkey without striate cortex: a case study. Perception, 3, 241-255, 1974.


Turning the left cheek. Nature, 243, 271-272, 1973. (With I. C. McManus).

 Asymmetry in gorilla skulls: evidence of lateralised brain function?  Nature, 244, 53-54, 1973. (With C. P. Groves).

 Status and the left cheek. New Scientist, 59, 437- 439. 1973. (With I. C. McManus).

 The illusion of beauty. Perception, 2, 429-439, 1973.


Seeing and nothingness. New Scientist, 53, 682-684, 1972.

 Interest and pleasure: two determinants of a monkey's visual preferences. Perception, 1, 395-416, 1972.


Colour and brightness preferences in monkeys. Nature, 229, 615-617, 1971.

 Contrast illusions in perspective. Nature, 232, 91- 93, 1971.

 Ventral temporal lobe lesions and oddity performance in monkeys. Brain Research, 30, 253-263, 1971. (With S. D. Iversen).


What the frog's eye tells the monkey's brain. Brain, Behaviour, Evolution, 3, 324-337, 1970.


Size constancy in monkeys with inferotemporal lesions. Quarterly Journal Experimental Psychology, 21, 225-238, 1969. (With L.Weiskrantz).

 Varieties of colour anomia. Brain, 92, 847-860, 1969. (With J. M. and S. M. Oxbury).


Responses to visual stimuli of single units in the superior colliculus of rats and monkeys. Experimental Neurology, 20, 312-340, 1968.


Vision in monkeys after removal of the striate cortex. Nature, 215, 595-597, 1967. (With L.Weiskrantz).


Constancy and the geometric illusions. Nature, 206, 744-745, 1965. (With M.J.Morgan).